CT Scan is an abbreviation of Computerized Tomography Scan, a medical procedure tool to describe certain body parts using special X-ray assistance. Compared to the photograph of a roll, the CT scan is more detailed because it takes a picture of the pieces of the organ being examined.
This CT scan combines a series of images obtained from X-rays, taken from various angles. Then, the computerized system combines the pieces of the image and create a unified picture of the organs of the body to be examined in a particular direction, layer by layer. CT scans provide far better and clearer imaging results than regular X-ray examinations.
If you need services for installing a CT scan. Rhenus Lupprians offers experienced technical installation solutions for high-tech medical CT.
CT Scan

CT scans have a variety of uses but are usually done for tests that require quick results. For example, in the case of a patient who has an accident. CT Scan is also used to establish the diagnosis of an illness so that further treatment steps can be determined.
CT scan can be done to find out several things such as:
- Makes a diagnosis of bone and muscle abnormalities, such as tumors in the bones, broken bones or spinal abnormalities.
- Determine the exact location of cancer cells, infections, or blood clots
- Monitor the course of a disease or the effectiveness of a therapeutic treatment
- The presence or absence of bleeding in organs, such as brain hemorrhage. It can be seen through a CT scan of the head.
CT Scan Examination Procedure
CT scan only requires a short time, only about 30 minutes and the results are quickly obtained. The patient does not need to stay overnight in the hospital for this examination. Patients can be given a sedative drug so they are calm and not moving during the process. If the patient moves, the results of the examination become unclear and inaccurate.
Patients who will undergo a CT scan must lie on a bed that can move automatically. The patient may be able to hear a roar from the machine during the examination.
The contrast agent used is usually iodine. The purpose of using this contrast is to clarify the part of the organ to be seen. However, the use of contrast agents is not allowed for patients who have kidney problems. This is because all the contrast substances are metabolized and excreted from the kidneys. Some ways to enter the contrast agent can be done in many ways depending on what organs will be examined