Sleeping a Lot After a Car Crash: Is It a Cause For Concern?

Sleeping a Lot After a Car Crash: Is It a Cause For Concern?

Erlina 31/08/2023


After a car crash, it’s normal to feel tired and worn out. But if you’re sleeping a lot after a car accident and for longer periods of time or feeling more exhausted than usual—even weeks after the accident—you may be suffering from trauma-related disorders.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why people sleep a lot after a crash, plus what that means for your health and legal rights. We’ll also discuss how a lawyer can help you take action after an auto wreck.

How common is sleeping a lot after a crash?

Sleeping a lot after a crash is a common occurrence. The stress of the accident can make you tired because your body needs time to recover from any injuries or pain that you sustained during the accident.

Is sleeping a lot after a motor vehicle crash a symptom of a serious injury?

If you’re sleeping a lot and not feeling like yourself after a crash, it’s possible that you’re suffering from trauma-related injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In addition to causing people to sleep more, these conditions can make it difficult for people to concentrate and focus on tasks at hand.

A TBI can cause changes in behavior, mood and personality and lead to problems with memory or thinking.

PTSD is caused by experiencing or witnessing life-threatening events.

If this sounds like something that might be happening to you, please see your doctor as soon as possible. You should also consider seeing an attorney to help get your medical bills paid and gain compensation from the driver who hit you.

Can I sue for sleeping a lot after a car crash?

If you’re sleeping a lot after a car crash, it would be smart to get legal advice from an auto accident lawyer about suing for damages and compensation. To sue, you will need to prove the other driver was at fault in that he or she caused or contributed to the crash that injured you.

Do I need a lawyer?

If you are sleeping a lot after being in a crash, it could be a sign that you have suffered injuries and should talk to an attorney. You may have a case and you could recover financial compensation and damages for your injuries. A lawyer will also represent your interests throughout the legal process and provide advice about legal issues such as statutes of limitations (the time period within which one must file suit against someone).


If you are sleeping a lot after a car crash, it is important for you to seek medical attention. You may be suffering from trauma-related disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a car accident or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after a car accident, and not know it. If this is the case, then seeking help early on can make all the difference in getting better faster and avoiding long-term effects like depression or anxiety.